Writing is

my soul massage!
Words are a powerful and motivating force - they can instantly build palaces, start businesses, forge alliances and unite broken hearts.

Hi, I'm
(AKA Ayala)
I'm glad you're here.
Since my early childhood, before I even knew how to read, I felt the magical power of words sweep me into the world of books. I was a girl who daydreamed, loved reading, and played with words instead of dolls. Books enriched my knowledge and have always been my best friends as,
"There is no friend as loyal as a book."
~ Ernest Hemingway
I remember how one single word could immediately change my thoughts, my feelings, and my view of the moment. Its soft envelope has forged a strong bond between us that has remained unbroken ever since. Words helped me build the bridge between my inner and outer worlds both on calm and stormy days; they led me far beyond the horizon to the mountain peaks of my imagination. Writing became a reflection of my soul. It was and still is the escape route that keeps me sane in these challenging times.
My passion for words, languages, and cultures has led me far and wide to what I am doing today - the founder & CEO of
A.Q Group- Language Solutions, for the past 25 years.
I'm happy to help my clients with my writing and translations reach far beyond borders and share their messages in different languages globally.
Currently, I'm in the final editing phase of my debut novel.
So, keep following me.


Gender Equality: Women in the Workplace are still Left Behind!
Scarf tying is a skill but also a mission statement
Professional Legal Translations Can Save You Millions
Despite making much progress towards gender equilibrium, there is still much to be done to remedy the glaring issues fueling gender inequality...

Spring is already in the corner and is ready to emerge but the winter refuses to give way, and a lot of colorful scarves find their way to be still tied up around our neck and on our shoulders to warm us a little bit more and make also a statement.

The Internet has brought us all types of hilarious and convoluted translations especially when Asian languages are translated to English. However, precise, correct translations...
If I waited for perfection,
I would never write a word.
~ Margaret Atwood